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Trademark Practice – The Secret and Magic of Evidence

The wine gathering with a theme of “Trademark Practice” was a unique and fascinating event. The guests were a diverse group of professionals from various industries. As glasses of exquisite wine were served to our guests, our president, Johnson Lam, gave out a presentation with Eddy on the secret and magic of evidence. Our guests then engaged in thought-provoking discussions about intellectual property, its importance, and the challenges it poses.

The ambiance of the gathering was relaxed yet sophisticated. The conversations were lively and engaging, with guests sharing their experiences and insights on challenges and opportunities in their respective fields when it comes to trademark.

One guest, our president, Johnson Lam, shared a presentation with Eddy, about the importance of evidence serves in the challenges of infringement or any other incidents. The discussion then turned to the importance of intellectual property protection in different industries, and how it can affect innovation and competition.

Overall, the wine gathering with a theme of Trademark Practice – The Secret and Magic of Evidence sharing was an excellent opportunity for professionals from different fields to come together, share knowledge, and learn from each other's experiences. The conversations were insightful, and the wine was exceptional, making for a memorable evening.

December 1

Business of IP Asia Forum

July 28

The 15th Annual Intellectual Property Conference