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The 13th Business of IP Asia Forum – An Event You can’t Miss

Asia Innovation and Intellectual Property Society (AIIPS) is very proud and thrilled to be a supporting organisation of the 13th Business of Intellectual Property Asia Forum (BIP Asia Forum) organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council. This meaningful event will be held on 7 - 8 December 2023 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

This is the first BIP Asia Forum after the conclusion of the COVID-19 era, which will return as a traditional full-fledged two-day physical event, welcoming the anticipated participation of 2,000 attendees worldwide.

Entitled “IP & Innovation: Steering New Economic Growth”, the Forum this year will provoke the strengths of IPs in business value creation, which serves as a timely reminder to accommodating the rapidly changed IP and business environment after COVID. Together with the “Innovation and IP Market”, themed “Cleantech”, a one-stop IP showcase and networking platform with IP management and enforcement-related event sessions, the fruitful programme will inspire attendees to utilise IP monetisation and commercialisation to develop new business frontiers.

If you are keen on joining the BIP Asia Forum, don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist and ensure a seamless arrangement for your participation.

Way to get a special discount code:-

Step 1: Click the “Share” button of the HKTDC Facebook post of BIP 2023:

Step 2: Adding the below message to your post:

【第13屆亞洲知識產權營商論壇】 今屆為期兩日嘅論壇將會在香港會議展覽中心舉行,以「知識産權與創新:驅動經濟增長 締造嶄新機遇」為主題。想同咁多位知識產權星級講者同業界專家交流嘅你,記得好好把握機會,於11月28日前喺網上登記。登記時用埋我地嘅專屬折扣代碼,仲可享特別優惠價-港幣$800(標準入場證) [原價港幣$1,950] 報名參加。


日期:12月7 - 8日 專屬折扣代碼: SO23039SD(標準入場證)

#BIPAsia #BIPforum #亞洲知識產權營商論壇

July 28

The 15th Annual Intellectual Property Conference