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The 8th IP Seminar Business Intellectual Property: Strategy and Innovation

  • Joint Professional Centre, Unit 1, G/F., The Center, 99 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong, China (map)

Review of the 8th IP Seminar

To enhance the academic knowledge of Intellectual Property (“IP”), to promote IP culture, to explore innovative models for IP commercialization and to drive to establish close linkage between businesses and IP, the 8th IP seminar on “Business Intellectual Property: Strategy and Innovation” was co-organized by Asia Innovation and Intellectual Property Society Limited (AIIPS), United States-China Intellectual Property Institute Inc. (USCIPI), and CityU Business & Industrial Club (CUBIC) in Hong Kong on 5-6 August 2016.

At the Opening Ceremony of AIIPS, Dr. Albert Wai-Kit CHAN, one of the founders and the President of AIIPS, and Mr. William LAM, who is also a founder of AIIPS, delivered their speeches and gave thanks and warm welcome to the guest speakers and over a hundred of audience on the spot. The two lawyers then briefly introduced the missions and the aspirations of AIIPS, and distributed the membership certificates of AIIPS to the fellow members.

In the sessions held on 5 August, the speakers thereupon outspokenly shared their ideas. Prof. Dongmin CHEN and Dr. Keith CHEN, the guest speakers in the Keynote Session, first shared their observations on the new perspectives of patent operation and the key techniques for applying patent for scientists. Several legal professionals then shared their experiences and the latest development on IP in the US, Europe, China and Hong Kong. In the session moderated by Dr. Yuan Jia HU, several experts in patent financing were invited to discuss the exploration and practice of IP in financial field as well as to study the legal issues such as the pledging and financing of patent. While Dr. Waishun LO shared his analysis of IP in the innovative era during the session he moderated, Mr. Liang LIN introduced the high-tech projects cooperated by EU and China, and Prof. King L. CHOW shared the strategies of innovation sustainability which concluded the first day of the Seminar.

In the first discussion session held on 6 August, senior administrators, PhD lecturer and IP consultant were invited to illustrate their analyses of IP business models from the entrepreneurial perspective, the academic perspective and the mathematics perspective respectively. The second discussion session centered on the topic of Internet and Copyright, in which Dr. Bo HU and Prof. Haochen SUN were invited to share their analyses of the significance of copyright in the Internet age. Following lunch, there was a sharing session on the theme of brand protection, during which Mr. Jin Shan LIU, a trademark attorney from Beijing, explicated the ways to handle bad faith trademark registrations in practice, and Mr. Billy NG, the Chief Advisor of the developer of the hot mobile game “Tower of Saviors”, demonstrated different approaches for brand protection in respect of law, sales, public relation and products. Ms. Weizhong YU also shared her first-hand experiences in and legal knowledges of brand protection in the US. The Seminar concluded with the final session of panel discussion on IP in Asian Countries, during which Mr. Johnson LAM from Hong Kong, Ms. Ling HUANG from Chendu, Mr. Ka Loi UN from Macau and special guest Mr. Jinsang JEONG from Korea, etc. were invited to participate in the discussion. The audience was heartened by the 90-minute excellent discussion and actively joined the discussion by raising questions and sharing problems that they had encountered. Under the lively atmosphere of discussion, the Seminar drew to a successful close.

The Seminar featured a combination of academic studies and practical experiences. By bringing experts from the business, academic and legal fields together for discussion, the Seminar aimed at communicating distinctive notions of different fields so as to give enlightenment to one another. It is trusted that the 8th IP Seminar did not only enhance the IP knowledge of the guests, but also brought fresh insights to the professionals from different fields which would facilitate the better preparation for the upcoming challenges and opportunities.

United States-China Intellectual Property Institute Inc (USCIPI)
Asia Innovation and IP Society Limited (AIIPS)
CityU Business & Industrial Club (CUBIC)


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